News: Happy New Year, Club Fox & North Bay Bohemian Best Band 2012?

January 05, 2012

Hey Rock n’ Roll music lovers,


2012 arrived with a bang as we played another SOLD OUT show at George’s Nightclub in San Rafael.  Big props to all of you who came out to party with us. You made it a great night!


We kick off the new year this Friday 1/6 at Club Fox in Redwood City! Join us for a great double bill with ZOO STATION (the best U2 tribute band in the land).


We have a lot of shows booked in 2012 and more on the way, so please take a look at our upcoming schedule and mark your calendars.


NEWS: It’s time again for the North Bay Bohemian’s Best of 2012 Awards! Thanks to you, we won Best Band North Bay (Marin) last year!  We hope you will support us again this year.  Since half our band lives in Marin and the other half is in Sonoma feel free to vote for us in either county…or BOTH!


You must vote no later than Jan 13, 2012, 5:00 pm. 


Please vote here: North Bay Bohemian Best Of 2012 Awards Ballot




Rock on

~Dan, Django, Monroe, Bagel, Mike and Michael aka PETTY THEFT



Upcoming 2012 shows:





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